Facebook Insights: Listen to your fans

So, you’ve got a page on Facebook, and some guy like me keeps telling you to update it with “interesting stuff”. Why bother? Well, first your fans on Facebook have opted-in to follow your page. They WANT to hear what you have to say! Second, your business page is likely a mix of friends, potential customers, and past customers who want to support you. So, your wall is really a hub to connect everyone in your community.

If you regularly update your page with good stuff, you will be rewarded with comments, likes, shares, and eventually, new business!

So, what is good stuff exactly? Do people care about personal stuff? Announcements about new products or services? Inane political banter? Facebook insights can tell you. In fact, you should be using Facebook Insights weekly to listen to your audience. Here is a very small intro to Facebook Insights, and how you can shape your content based on the data to keep your audience interested.

How to access Facebook Insights:

When viewing your business page as an admin, insights is that line graph thing in the center. (Yes, The one you ignore) Click it!

Facebook Insights

In the next window, you’ll see the most important area. (For this post anyway)  As you’ll see below, the overview tab gives you a quick glance at the overall metrics for your page, and a detailed post summary below that. (I’m leaving my humble metrics out for all of you to see. It ain’t much, but I’m building a base slowly) P.S. I am reaching about 50% of my audience per post these days. That’s not too bad considering the fact that some of my clients only reach 10% on a given post. But, that’s not the point of this post. Let’s look at the post level summary to see what my most popular posts are.

In the summary above, you can see that my most popular posts are my silly Halloween costume post, an article on the state of search today, and my return to blogging after a vacation. Why? Because they had the most comments, shares, and engaged users.


Post Level Metrics:

Here’s what all of those stats mean in detail:

Reach: The number of unique people who saw your post in their feed or while browsing your page.

Engaged Users: The number of people who clicked on your post. (Note that FB’s little hint window is wrong here; it says stories generated.)

Talking about this: How many actions were taken on your post, including shares, likes and comments.

Virality: Simply put, it’s Talking about This / Reach.

All of these metrics are important! If you read this weekly, you can quickly see which posts your fans connect with. Then, you can use this information to shape your future wall posts and make sure that your audience stays engaged.

The final tip for today: I’m sure you’ve heard about how brands are freaking out about only reaching 10-20% of their audience. This is true in some cases, (even within some of my clients) but it is driven partially by these metrics. According to a friend at FaceBook, virality and context are what drive your Edgerank score. Then Edgerank score and post timing are what determine your reach.

What does all of this mean? Simply put, LISTEN TO YOUR AUDIENCE! If you check out your insights once a week, and think about why posts succeed or fail, you’ll connect with your audience, and find ways to influence your fans.
